Thursday 26 November 2020

Three Hogweeds

For no other reason than they caught my eye and interest across the year.

First up in July, this curious mutant of Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium subsp. sphondylium) with foliaceus bracteoles.

In October, just as we had our first frosts, I found this attractive pink flowered plant. I have never seen a pink form in this location before, so I wonder if temperature influences flower colour. Even if it does, some pink forms definitely have a genetic basis, and one is currently being marketed as 'Pink Cloud'. Does the colour elevate it to garden worthy? I'm in two minds, one part of me is curious to grow it, the other is shouting don't be stupid why on earth would you want hogweed in the border.

Finally, in November I found this plant pushing up to flower. It was a little too robust to be Hogweed, and the intermediacy in stature, foliage and pubescence indicates a cross with Giant Hogweed (Heracelum mantegazzianum agg.).

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